Celebrate, Shape & Develop Our Visitor Economy - The Future Of Our Visitor Economy 


A day of inspiring ideas, practical breakout sessions, and networking with potential collaborators as well as existing partners.

It was a crucial moment to come together as we map out the future of tourism in our region.  The conference was split into four key areas;

  • Celebrate the Visitor Economy Showcasing success stories
  • Shaping our Visitor Economy - Defining our USP
  • Developing our Visitor Economy  Tackling challenges and sustainability
  • The Future of our Visitor Economy  - Inspiring change


Celebrating Our Visitor Economy


Vanessa Wegstein

Jim Eccleston

Kathi Kamleitner


Shaping Our Visitor Economy



Emma Guy, Scoto

Annique Armstrong, Visit Scotland


Developing Our Visitor Economy



The Future Of Our Visitor Economy


Paula Ward, SOSE


Esther Tacke, Galloway Cycling Holidays.

Markus Stitz, Backpacking Scotland.


Conference delegate list 



We are very grateful to our sponsors

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