Category: South of Scotland

Twenty Five for 25 – Wigtown Book Festival Promises 10 Days of Delights 

Full programme revealed – featuring Hamza Yassin, Maggie O’Farrell, Judy Murray, Michael Morpurgo, Josie Long, Robin Ince and many more  Tickets on sale for 25th annual festival in Scotland’s National Book Town  Wigtown Book Festival has unveiled its full line-up – with guest programmer Lee Randall offering twenty five top tips for this year’s 25th annual event. Tickets…
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Volunteers from across the globe to help deliver Cycling World Championship events at Glentress

Volunteers from as far afield as India and Qatar will be supporting the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championship events at Glentress Forest as part of the ‘Champs Clan’. The Championships are taking place in Glasgow and across Scotland from 3 to 13 August, with the mountain bike cross-country events being held at Glentress Forest and…
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Tourism ‘Oscars’ Shortlist Revealed for the South of Scotland

Unveiling the South of Scotland tourism businesses shortlisted for the region’s first dedicated Scottish Thistle Awards         Clockwise from top left: Dalscone Farm Park, Out-there Artisan, Spring Fling Open Studios and Tiny Home Borders    The shortlist for the South of Scotland’s first dedicated regional Thistle Awards – Scotland’s premier tourism and events…
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Mountain Biking Fans Urged To Make Tracks For The Scottish Borders As The Region Cheers On Homegrown Riders At Trailblazing Cycling Events

With the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships mountain bike cross-country events and marathon taking place at Glentress Forest in August, the South of Scotland Destination Alliance is encouraging locals and visitors to witness the world’s best riders in action – including Peebles mountain bike star Isla Short and several other contenders from the region.   …
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Robert Burns farm opens doors on Auld Lang Syne holiday cottage

The unspoiled farm where Robert Burns wrote the world famous Auld Lang Syne is open for holiday stays for the first time. Auld Acquaintance cottage, in the grounds of Ellisland Farm on the banks of the Nith, offers the only opportunity to holiday at one of the national poet’s homes. All profits from the new…
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The King and Queen keep Scotland’s stories alive on tenth anniversary visit to The Great Tapestry of Scotland

The Great Tapestry of Scotland, where the people’s story of Scotland begins, has a new royal story to tell after Their Majesties The King and Queen visited the centre in the Scottish Borders today. During the royal engagement, The Queen added the final stitch to a new panel commemorating the historic occasion.     Their…
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Scotland’s first UNESCO Biosphere nearly doubles with boundary extension in tenth anniversary year

Just over 10 years since Galloway & Southern Ayrshire (GSA) was designated Scotland’s first UNESCO Biosphere, a global delegation of UN officials announced the renewal of the site’s UNESCO status for a further 10 years, in recognition of its pioneering achievements in sustainable development and supporting global climate change goals. The revalidation reflects southwest Scotland’s…
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Cyclist road-tests Kirkpatrick C2C, South of Scotland’s Coast to Coast as Region Gears up for Visitors

Josh Wood teams up with The South of Scotland Destination Alliance to try new cycling route and completes the 250 miles in just over 23 hours   As the South of Scotland gears up for the soft launch of the new Kirkpatrick C2C, South of Scotland’s Coast to Coast cycling route, an experienced local cyclist has…
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Kirkcudbright Fringe: Scotland’s Newest Unmissable Event

Co-founders Gerry Hassan and Chris Walker are thrilled to launch the Kirkcudbright Fringe website Kirkcudbright Fringe is set to take South-West Scotland by storm as the brand new three-day event opens its doors to over 35 different acts at 15 venues in the charming harbour town of Kirkcudbright. The event, which runs from 1 to…
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SSDA releases Operational Plan for the Coming Year

We’re delighted to share with members our Operational Plan for the coming year: setting out exactly what we want to achieve, why, how, and when.   DOWNLOAD THE 2023-24 OPERATIONAL PLAN   Over the next year we are working to: Attract more and better-spending visitors to the region. Create a coordinated, community of businesses across…
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