Dark Sky Tourism Webinar

Join us as we talk to dark sky experts, highlight case studies on how to become more dark sky friendly and tap into the growing dark sky network in the region. 

🚀 Unleash Business Potential Under the Stars. Join us as we showcase the growing momentum of the Galloway Dark Sky park and how we can ALL benefit from being beneath the same stars. 

🌌 – Marie McNulty from the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere on how they have fostered dark sky development and product development as well as the new Dark Sky Network across the South of Scotland.

🔍 Tap into SSDA’s seasonality campaign:

✨ Discover how embracing the dark sky philosophy can spark innovation within your business. Draw inspiration from other businesses to develop your offering. – Gowan Miller, SSDA.

💡 Sustainable Solutions: Learn how adopting dark sky practices aligning with sustainability goals. Discover eco-friendly lighting solutions that not only save energy but also contribute to your corporate responsibility initiatives. – Jim Patterson, a Fellow of the Institution of Lighting Professionals and the driving force behind Moffat becoming Europe’s first Dark Sky Town.

📈 Astronomical ROI: Explore the economic benefits of dark sky-friendly practices. From enhancing customer experiences to attracting environmentally-conscious consumers, the dark sky approach can lead to a stellar return on investment. – Elizabeth Kelly from the award-winning and National Thistle awards finalist, Airhouses, Lauder.

🌌  Position your business in SSDA’s seasonality campaigns by incorporating dark sky principles into your business strategy. Green Credentials: Showcase your commitment to sustainability, elevating your business offering to visitors. Uncover Hidden Markets: Tap into niche markets by aligning your business with the growing dark sky movement in the South of Scotland. The night sky is full of possibilities, join SSDA in showcasing all the region has to offer all year round! 🚀🌟

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