Kids Go Free Campaign

Right in time for the summer school holidays, the SSDA worked with ScotRail, Midlothian Tourism Forum and local attractions to highlight fantastic opportunities for family days out on the Borders Railway. Families were encouraged to make the most of ScotRail's 'Kids for a Quid' offer, travelling along the Borders Railway line and retaining their train tickets for a special 'Kids Go Free' deal at selected attractions. 

The activity launched on 9 July 2024 and ran until the beginning of August 2024.

The activity targeted parents and grandparents in Edinburgh and the surrounding area, as well as along the Borders Railway and key commuter towns into the Scottish capital with paid social media adverts, directing them to the campaign's website landing page.

The activity was supported by press activity and featured in the Edinburgh Reporter, Edinburgh Evening News and on ITV Borders.


- Over its 4-week run-time the social media promotions reached over 60k people in key target areas

- The advertisements generated over 3k clicks, making the offer’s landing page one of the most popular pages on Scotland Starts Here during the summer holidays

- Driving awareness of the offer also generated further interest in the Family Fun offering on Scotland Starts Here, pushing family-related content and pages into the top 10 pages on the site during the school holidays