The River Tweed Trail Tourism Business Engagement Action Plan

The River Tweed Trail Tourism Business Engagement role is funded by the UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund.  We have developed an Action Plan to undertake activity over the coming months to include:

Strategic objective:

The strategic foundations of business awareness and engagement, product development and future marketing for the River Tweed Trail are in place, ensuring it has a significant, positive and sustained impact on the visitor economy when launched

Strategic outcomes:

Increased business awareness of the Tweed Trail
Increased business engagement in the development of the Tweed Trail
Increased business readiness to maximise the economic benefit of the Tweed Trail
Development of tangible new visitor products and services which will meaningfully contribute to the economic success of the Tweed Trail when launched
Input to the future consumer-facing marketing of the Tweed Trail, when ready for launch

Work is underway across all of the five strategic outcomes.  If you would like to find out more then please contact Neen Kelly.

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