Celebrating our Thistle Finalists and Winners

One of the many good reasons to enter the South of Scotland Thistle Awards is the opportunity it provides to promote and celebrate your achievements. We guide you in how to take advantage of your success and equally we take every opportunity to shout about our Thistle winners and finalists, both to our potential visitors and to the industry.

In 2023 we worked collaboratively with all businesses, VisitScotland and other partners in the tourism industry to promote the range and quality of the products, businesses and organisations in the South of Scotland.

Here are just a few examples of what you can expect if you become a finalist or even a winner!  And it doesn't stop here, we continue to promote businesses in consumer newsletters, celebrated all at this year's SSDA conference and showcased some in our Food and Drinks Legend campaign funded by the Regional Food & Drink Fund.


Delivered by South of Scotland Destination Alliance and supported by South of Scotland Enterprise