Dumfries and Galloway Council has announced that its events funding programmes for 2023/24 are now open for applications.
The Community Events Fund and the Major Events Fund are part of the new Dumfries and Galloway Events Strategy 2023-2026.
The total funding available for events and community organisations is £100,000. The deadline for applications to both funds is Friday 25 November.
The Council is also in the process of preparing the UK’s first Greener Events Toolkit, to encourage festivals and events projects to be organised with fewer carbon impacts. The toolkit is intended to drive forward best practice in events planning in Dumfries and Galloway.
Councillor Archie Dryburgh, Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee said, “The Council is determined to hit the ground running with the implementation and delivery of the new regional Events Strategy. We have a terrific partnership with the region’s events organisers, and the two funding programmes will lead to many great projects being supported, to the benefit of local communities and businesses.”
Councillor John Campbell, the Vice-Chair of the Communities Committee said, “I am keen for as many festivals and events applications as possible to be submitted to the Council, to support local and regional economic recovery during the economic and cost of living crisis we are living through. Events organisers make a positive difference to our region and we need their work more than ever, which is why we are making up to £100,000 available, and are convinced about the value of our investment.”
Full details of the Community Events Fund 2023/24 and Major Events Fund 2023/2024 are available on the Council’s website or organisations can email events@dumgal.gov.uk to request the application forms.